When you look at history often those who shape the world don't plan it. It is often something the run from, they shy away from any sort of attention. That is not to say they don't want to make the world better. In fact that is what drives them. They want to right the wrong, they want to save the world, be strong for the weak, they want to help the next generation.
Thus the birth of this amazing project. Gods (esses) Among Men. This is a series of portraits of people who in some small way in their eyes, but grand to others or the effects are earth shattering.
We hope it motivates, inspires others when they see those who willfully, joyfully do deeds that moves others and desire to give a helping hand.
We bang this amazing journey with a few great women, Mia Rebel, song writer and actress, KD Wilson, music producer, entertainment executive and connector of phenomenal women, and Leticia Reyes, singer, poet, actress and TV personality.
We bang this amazing journey with a few great women, Mia Rebel, song writer and actress, KD Wilson, music producer, entertainment executive and connector of phenomenal women, and Leticia Reyes, singer, poet, actress and TV personality.
They say a picture says a thousand words, I can't imagine what a book will do.... Frank Ishman will capture the souls of these amazing souls in the next couple of months.
Love it and I think this will be amazing!