Monday, December 12, 2011

Book Me Brand Me

It is finally done....

I have always known this all my life, that an amazing artists can be more then just one thing.

All my life I have heard do one thing, you are all over the place.  But why? Especially if I was good, sometimes great at so many things.
But finally yesterday I saw it in print.

Whether you are a manicurists, photographer, makeup artist, hairstylists, there are so many things that are connected to our field that makes it impossible to just be one thing.

The love you have for your particular art leads to some many doors, books, movies, products, motivational speaking, giving back, helping others you name it....

Today I finally decided to do something about it.  With the help and trust of some of my favorite artists my new chapter of my life has begun...what I have always done all my life, share resources, contacts, grooming, creative concepts, and brand direction to all my artists friends.  Now it will be my life's work and I will enjoy it like I enjoy everything else that I do.

Life is great ad I look forward to the endless rewards it continues to bring me.  From Haiti, New York, Miami, London, Egypt, Africa and Qatar my brand is no longer local....